No Seed Oils, Sugar Free and Gluten Free Waffle Recipe

No Seed Oils, Sugar Free and Gluten Free Waffle Recipe

About This Recipe

By: Soshanna Salsman


  • 4 eggs (carefully separated)
  • 1 cup of unsalted butter 
  • 2 tablespoons of baking powder
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 3 cups of raw milk 
  • 2 cups of almond flour
  • 2 cups of tapioca starch
  • 1 cup of arrowroot flour
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut sugar

Why are these waffles so special? 

These waffles have become a staple in our household, providing a sense of comfort and flexibility in our diet. They represent more than just a meal; they are a solution to the challenges of maintaining a restrictive diet while still enjoying delicious food. The ability to use these waffles as both a breakfast item and a creative alternative for burger buns means we never feel deprived + they are delicious! They allow us to indulge in family favorites without sacrificing our commitment to a healthy, seed oil-free, gluten-free, sugar-free, and corn-free lifestyle. This recipe has truly transformed our approach to eating, making it easier and more enjoyable to stick to our dietary principles.

Step-By-Step Instructions

Step 1: Prepare and Separate the Egg Whites

  1. Prepare Equipment: Make sure you have a stand mixer and a large mixing bowl available. Start Preheating your Waffle Iron.
  2. Separate the Eggs: Carefully separate the egg whites from the yolks, placing the whites in the bowl of a stand mixer and the yolks separately in a large mixing bowl.
  3. Add Egg Yolks: Add the egg yolks to the large mixing bowl.
  4. Whip the Egg Whites: Use the stand mixer to whip the egg whites on high until stiff peaks form. This step is crucial for achieving the light and crispy texture of the waffles.

Step 2: Mix the Dry and Wet Ingredients 

  1. Melt the Butter: Melt the unsalted butter and let it cool.
  2. Combine Dry Ingredients: In the large bowl with the egg yolks, mix together the almond flour, tapioca starch, arrowroot flour, baking powder, salt, and coconut sugar. 
  3. Add Milk and Butter: Pour the raw milk and cooled melted butter into the large bowl with the dry ingredients and egg yolks. Mix until everything is well combined. The batter should have a thick but pourable consistency.

Step 3: Incorporate Egg Whites

  1. Combine Mixtures: Gradually add the contents of the large bowl into the stand mixer with the whipped egg whites. If your stand mixer is small, you may need to add the whipped egg whites to the large bowl instead. Mix gently to combine, ensuring the batter remains airy and light.

Step 4: Cook the Waffles

  1. Cook the Waffles: Pour the batter into the preheated waffle iron. Make sure not to overfill as the waffles will rise during cooking. Cook until the waffles are golden brown and crisp.

    Step 5: Serve and Enjoy

    1. Serve: Top the waffles with your favorite fruits, butter, pure maple syrup or raw honey and serve.

    Step 6: Freeze for Later

    1. Freeze: To freeze the waffles, lay them in a single layer on a cooling rack and place in freezer. Once fully frozen, transfer them to a freezer-safe ziplock bag.
    2. Reheat: When ready to eat again, toast straight from the freezer for a quick and convenient breakfast, snack or gluten free, seed oil free, sugar free and corn free bread option.

This recipe is:

  • Wheat Free 
  • Seed Oil Free
  • Soy Free
  • Sugar Free
  • Corn Free


Einkorn Magic: A Delicious Chicken and Dumplings Recipe

Einkorn Magic: A Delicious Chicken and Dumplings Recipe

About This Recipe

By: Soshanna Salsman


For the Chicken and Vegetable Base:

  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 pounds of boneless chicken thighs
  • Salt and black pepper to taste
  • 5 tablespoons of unsalted butter
  • 1 small yellow onion, finely chopped
  • 1 cup of carrots, peeled and diced
  • 2 stalks of celery, diced
  • 3 garlic cloves, finely minced
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut aminos
  • ⅓ cup of freshly milled Einkorn Flour
  • 4 ½ cups of chicken broth
  • 1 ½ cups of half-and-half

Seasoning Mix:

  • 1 teaspoon of onion powder
  • ½ teaspoon each of dried basil, parsley, thyme and rosemary
  • ¼ teaspoon of ground sage
  • A pinch of freshly ground pepper

For the Dumplings:

  • 1 cup (120 g) of freshly milled Einkorn Flour (plus extra for dusting)
  • 2 tablespoons of freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese
  • 1 teaspoon of corn and aluminum-free baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of cold, unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
  • ⅓ cup of cold milk
  • 1 tablespoon of freshly minced parsley

Looking for the best Chicken and Dumplings recipe? You’re in the right place. This recipe is a game-changer thanks to its secret ingredient, einkorn flour. Not only does this ancient grain bring a wholesome, nutty flavor to both the soup and the dumplings, but it also makes the dish stand out in terms of texture and nutrition.

This recipe is designed with health in mind—as always, I  avoid the use of any seed oils, modern wheats, corn, sugar with a focus on animal based ingredients, ensuring that you’re enjoying a meal that’s as good for you as it is delicious. The use of boneless chicken thighs ensures juicy, flavorful meat, and every ingredient from the homemade broth to the airy, fluffy dumplings contributes to a depth of flavor that you won’t find anywhere else.

What’s the History of Chicken and Dumplings?

Chicken and Dumplings is a comfort food classic with roots in the frugality of early American and European cuisines. Originally a means to stretch ingredients and feed large families, it combined available chicken parts with simple dumplings made from flour and water or milk. This dish has evolved over centuries, yet retains its core as a hearty, warming stew. Today, it’s appreciated not only for its comforting qualities but also for its adaptability, including healthier versions using ancient grains like Einkorn flour, making it a beloved meal that connects past to present.

Step-By-Step Instructions

Step 1: Sear the Chicken

  1. Season the Chicken: Sprinkle salt and black pepper on both sides of the boneless chicken thighs.
  2. Heat the Oil: Pour 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil into a 4 ½-quart soup pot and heat it over medium-high heat.
  3. Cook the Chicken: Place the chicken thighs in the pot and cook for approximately 3 minutes on each side until they develop a light brown color. The inside will remain undercooked at this stage.
  4. Rest and Dice: Remove the chicken from the pot and let it rest for 10 minutes. Then, dice it into bite-sized pieces.

Step 2: Make the Soup

  1. Prepare the Seasonings: Combine the onion powder, dried basil, parsley, thyme, rosemary, ground sage, and freshly ground pepper in a small bowl and set aside.
  2. Melt the Butter: In the same pot used for searing the chicken, melt 5 tablespoons of unsalted butter over medium heat. Use a spatula to scrape up any browned bits from the bottom of the pot.
  3. Cook the Vegetables: Add the finely chopped onion, diced carrots, and diced celery to the pot. Cook for about 5 minutes until they begin to soften.
  4. Add Garlic and Coconut Aminos: Stir in the minced garlic and 1 teaspoon of coconut aminos. Add the prepared seasoning mix. Cook for an additional minute.
  5. Incorporate the Flour: Sprinkle ⅓ cup of freshly milled Einkorn Flour over the vegetables and stir well to coat. Cook for 2 minutes, stirring continuously to avoid burning.
  6. Add Broth and Half-and-Half: Gradually pour in 4 ½ cups of chicken broth, stirring constantly and scraping up any bits from the bottom of the pot. Continue to add the broth in small splashes until fully incorporated. Follow the same process with 1 ½ cups of half-and-half.


Step 3: Make the Dumplings

  1. Prepare the Dough: In a medium bowl, combine 1 cup of freshly milled Einkorn Flour, 2 tablespoons of freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, 1 teaspoon of corn- and aluminum-free baking powder, and 1 teaspoon of salt. Cut in 2 tablespoons of cold, unsalted butter until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Stir in ⅓ cup of cold milk and 1 tablespoon of freshly minced parsley, then gently knead the mixture into a soft dough ball.
  2. Shape the Dumplings: Dust a 10-inch piece of parchment paper with 1 tablespoon of Einkorn Flour. Place 2 tablespoons of Einkorn Flour on a small plate. Take 2 teaspoons of dumpling dough, roll it into a tight ball, then coat the ball in flour and place it on the parchment paper.
  3. Add Dumplings to Soup: Carefully lift each dumpling and place it in the soup, ensuring they do not touch each other. Avoid stirring or mixing them.
  4. Cook the Dumplings: Cover the pot and cook on very low heat for 15 minutes.
  5. Serve: Serve the soup immediately, or let it cool in the pot. The soup can sit at room temperature for a few hours and be reheated at mealtime.


This recipe is:

  • Modern-wheat Free 
  • Seed Oil Free
  • Soy Free
  • Sugar Free
  • Corn Free


The Hidden Dangers of Seed Oils: What You Need to Know Now

The Hidden Dangers of Seed Oils: What You Need to Know Now

In recent years, the conversation around dietary fats has intensified, and for good reason. Traditional fats like butter, lard, and coconut oil were once staples in kitchens worldwide, celebrated for their rich flavors and stable cooking properties. However, in the past century, these time-honored fats have largely been replaced by seed oils in modern diets. Seed oils, derived from plants such as soybeans, corn, and canola, have been aggressively marketed as healthy alternatives due to their high polyunsaturated fat content. Despite their widespread use and the health claims made by their proponents, mounting evidence suggests that these oils may pose significant health risks.

This shift in dietary fats has not been without consequences. As seed oils have become ubiquitous in processed foods, dressings, sauces, and even many home-cooked meals, concerns about their impact on health have grown. Studies indicate that the high levels of polyunsaturated fats in seed oils, particularly linoleic acid, can lead to inflammation, oxidative stress, and a host of chronic diseases.

This comprehensive blog post aims to shed light on the hidden dangers of seed oils. We will explore the history of how these oils came to dominate our food supply, the industrial processes involved in their production, and the scientific evidence linking them to health problems. Additionally, we will provide practical tips for identifying and avoiding seed oils in your diet, and suggest healthier alternatives to support your long-term well-being. By understanding the implications of consuming seed oils and making informed dietary choices, you can take proactive steps toward a healthier lifestyle.

The Rise of Seed Oils: A Historical Perspective

The journey of seed oils from industrial byproducts to kitchen staples is fascinating. It all began in the 19th century with the advent of new machinery that made it feasible to extract oil from seeds. Cottonseed oil, initially used for industrial purposes like lamp fuel and machinery lubricant, was one of the first seed oils to be produced. By the late 1800s, corn oil also entered the scene, thanks to innovations that could extract oil from corn germ, which had previously been discarded as waste. By 1902, Hudnut Mills was producing 36 million gallons of corn oil annually.

The real game-changer came in 1911 when Procter & Gamble introduced Crisco, a crystallized cottonseed oil product designed to mimic lard. This marked a significant shift in dietary fats, as people began replacing traditional animal fats with vegetable oils. Procter & Gamble’s aggressive marketing campaign promoted Crisco as a cleaner and cheaper alternative to animal fats. Their efforts were incredibly successful, and by 1916, Crisco sales had soared to 60 million pounds.

The Rise of Heart Disease and the American Heart Association

While the popularity of seed oils was on the rise, so was the incidence of heart disease. Before the 1900s, heart disease was a rare condition. However, its prevalence began to increase significantly in the early 20th century. This trend coincided with the growing consumption of seed oils like cottonseed and corn oil. In 1912, Dr. James B. Herrick published the first documented case of a heart attack. This was a groundbreaking discovery, as it highlighted a new and growing health concern.

Heart disease rates continued to climb throughout the 20th century, and this issue came to the forefront of public consciousness in 1955 when President Dwight D. Eisenhower suffered his first heart attack at the age of 64. Despite having no family history of heart disease and maintaining a healthy lifestyle after quitting smoking in 1949, Eisenhower’s heart attack underscored the growing epidemic. His condition was closely followed by the public, with twice-daily press conferences updating Americans on his recovery. This media coverage brought heart disease into the national spotlight and educated the public about its dangers.

Eisenhower’s recovery involved significant dietary changes, including a low-fat diet rich in seed oils like soybean oil and margarine. Despite these efforts, his health continued to decline, and he eventually adopted a high corn oil diet in 1959. Unfortunately, this did not improve his condition, and he died of heart disease in 1969 at the age of 78. His public struggle and the associated dietary recommendations played a significant role in increasing the consumption of seed oils in the U.S.

As a result, the American Heart Association (AHA) was founded in 1924 and remained relatively small and poorly funded for several decades. However, a significant turning point came in 1948 when Procter & Gamble designated the AHA as the beneficiary of a $1.7 million donation from their radio contest. The equivalent value of $1.7 million from 1948 would be approximately $23.2 million in 2024, accounting for an average annual inflation rate of 3.5%. This substantial influx of funds allowed the AHA to expand its reach and influence dramatically. This partnership marked the beginning of a long-standing relationship between the food industry and health organizations.

Throughout the 1950s, heart disease awareness grew significantly, especially after President Eisenhower’s heart attack in 1955. This event brought national attention to the issue of heart health, and the AHA’s influence continued to grow. The public became acutely aware of the importance of heart health, and the AHA seized this opportunity to promote dietary guidelines.

In 1961, the AHA recommended replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats found in vegetable oils, believing this would reduce heart disease. This recommendation was based on the prevailing belief that saturated fats raised cholesterol levels, which in turn was thought to increase the risk of heart disease. However, these recommendations were based on incomplete science and have since been called into question. The assumption that reducing saturated fat intake would lower heart disease risk did not account for the potential harms of increasing polyunsaturated fat consumption.

The Chemical Nature of Polyunsaturated Fats

One of the primary concerns with seed oils is their high content of polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), particularly linoleic acid. Unlike saturated fats, which are stable and resistant to oxidation, PUFAs are highly prone to oxidation. This process occurs when fats are exposed to heat, light, or oxygen, leading to the formation of harmful byproducts.

Oxidized PUFAs produce toxic compounds such as aldehydes. These compounds are harmful and can contribute to various health issues, including inflammation and cellular damage. For example, aldehydes like acetaldehyde are known to cause hangover symptoms. Studies have shown that meals cooked in vegetable oils contain 100 to 200 times more aldehydes than the daily limit recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

To understand the extent of the problem, it is essential to delve deeper into the chemical reactions involved. When PUFAs oxidize, they form lipid peroxides, which then break down into smaller compounds, including aldehydes. These aldehydes, such as 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) and malondialdehyde (MDA), are particularly toxic. HNE, for instance, can form adducts with DNA and proteins, disrupting their normal function and leading to mutations, cancer, and other chronic diseases.

Moreover, the oxidation process is accelerated by the methods used in cooking and processing seed oils. High heat, exposure to light, and the presence of oxygen all contribute to the rapid degradation of PUFAs. This is particularly concerning given that many seed oils are used in frying and other high-temperature cooking methods. The frequent consumption of foods prepared with these oils means a consistent intake of harmful oxidation products.

Research has shown that the consumption of oxidized fats is linked to various health problems. For example, a study published in the Journal of Lipid Research found that diets high in oxidized PUFAs can lead to increased oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. This inflammation is a key factor in the development of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease.

Long-Term Health Implications

The health risks associated with seed oils extend far beyond their propensity for oxidation. One of the most concerning aspects of modern dietary habits is the significant increase in linoleic acid intake. Studies indicate that the linoleic acid content in human fat cells has nearly doubled from under 10% in 1960 to around 20% in 2005. This dramatic rise is largely attributed to the widespread use of vegetable oils in processed foods and cooking.

Research by Dr. Chris Knobbe provides a striking comparison. His studies on Pacific Islanders, who maintain traditional diets and do not consume vegetable oils, reveal that their linoleic acid levels are about 3.8% in their fat cells. This is five times less than the levels found in individuals who consume a modern Western diet. This stark difference underscores the impact of dietary choices on our body’s fat composition.

Mitochondrial Damage and Disease

High levels of linoleic acid have been shown to damage mitochondria, the powerhouses of cells that are essential for energy production. Mitochondria play a critical role in converting nutrients into energy that cells can use. When linoleic acid oxidizes, it triggers a chain reaction that damages mitochondrial cardiolipin, a lipid crucial for the optimal functioning of these organelles. This damage impairs the mitochondria’s ability to produce energy efficiently, leading to a cascade of negative health effects.

Mitochondrial dysfunction is linked to a range of diseases. In particular, it is associated with heart failure, as the heart requires a significant amount of energy to function properly. Studies on rats have demonstrated that diets high in vegetable oils, and thus high in linoleic acid, lead to a reduction in cardiolipin content in the heart. This reduction is so severe that it can lead to heart failure within weeks.

Moreover, mitochondrial damage is also implicated in the development of other chronic diseases. For example, diabetes is closely linked to impaired mitochondrial function. When mitochondria cannot efficiently produce energy, cells become less responsive to insulin, leading to insulin resistance—a hallmark of type 2 diabetes. Additionally, there is growing evidence that mitochondrial dysfunction plays a role in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. The brain is highly dependent on mitochondrial energy production, and when this process is compromised, cognitive function can deteriorate.

Longevity and Fat Composition

Research indicates that the longevity of animals is influenced by the types of fats present in their cells. Animals with cells composed of fats that are less prone to oxidation tend to live longer. This is because stable fats, such as saturated fats, are less likely to produce harmful oxidation products that can damage cells and tissues.

For instance, humans and naked mole rats, both known for their relatively long lifespans compared to their body sizes, have cells with fats that are more resistant to oxidation. Naked mole rats, in particular, have intrigued scientists because they show remarkable resistance to diseases typically associated with aging, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. One factor contributing to their longevity is their cellular composition, which includes fats that are less prone to oxidative damage.

In humans, adopting a diet that minimizes the intake of highly oxidizable fats, like those found in seed oils, and instead incorporates more stable fats can potentially contribute to better health and increased lifespan. This is supported by observations of traditional diets that are low in linoleic acid and associated with lower incidences of chronic diseases and longer lifespans.

Human Studies and Lifespan

The Minnesota Coronary Survey

Several human studies have examined the long-term effects of vegetable oils on health, providing critical insights into their potential risks. One of the most comprehensive studies in this field is the Minnesota Coronary Survey, conducted in the late 1960s by Dr. Ivan Frantz. This meticulously controlled study aimed to test the hypothesis that replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats from vegetable oils would reduce the risk of heart disease and improve overall health outcomes.

The Minnesota Coronary Survey involved more than 9,000 participants, including men and women aged 20 to 97, who were either living in state mental hospitals or nursing homes. These settings allowed for precise control over the participants’ diets, ensuring that the intake of fats could be accurately monitored and adjusted.

Participants were divided into two groups: one group consumed a diet high in saturated fats, primarily from animal sources, while the other group consumed a diet high in polyunsaturated fats from vegetable oils. The primary goal was to observe changes in cholesterol levels and correlate these changes with the incidence of heart disease and overall mortality.

The results of the Minnesota Coronary Survey were surprising and counterintuitive. Although the group consuming vegetable oils did experience a significant reduction in cholesterol levels, this did not translate into improved health outcomes. The data, published in 1989, revealed that participants over the age of 65 who were on the vegetable oil diet had higher mortality rates compared to those on the saturated fat diet. This finding challenged the prevailing belief that lowering cholesterol through dietary means would necessarily lead to better health and longevity.

The LA Veterans Administration Hospital Study

Another pivotal study that explored the long-term effects of vegetable oils is the LA Veterans Administration Hospital Study, which began in 1969. This eight-year study focused on older adults and sought to understand the impact of different types of dietary fats on heart disease and mortality rates. Participants included male veterans aged 55 to 89, who were either assigned to a diet high in saturated fats or a diet high in polyunsaturated fats from vegetable oils.

The LA Veterans Study provided a unique opportunity to examine the effects of these dietary interventions over a prolonged period. One of the key strengths of the study was its ability to control for various confounding factors, such as smoking, which allowed for a clearer assessment of the direct impact of dietary fats on health outcomes.

The findings of the LA Veterans Study mirrored those of the Minnesota Coronary Survey. While participants on the vegetable oil diet did see reductions in their cholesterol levels, this did not lead to a corresponding decrease in mortality. In fact, the study found that older adults on the vegetable oil diet had higher mortality rates compared to those consuming saturated fats, even though the vegetable oil group included fewer heavy smokers.

These studies underscore a critical point: lowering cholesterol through the consumption of polyunsaturated fats from vegetable oils does not necessarily improve lifespan or reduce the risk of heart disease. The higher mortality rates observed in these studies suggest that other factors, such as the oxidative stability of fats and their impact on inflammation and cellular health, play a crucial role in determining overall health outcomes.

Implications for Dietary Guidelines

The results of the Minnesota Coronary Survey and the LA Veterans Study have significant implications for dietary guidelines and public health recommendations. For decades, health authorities have advocated for the replacement of saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats from vegetable oils, based on the assumption that this would lower cholesterol and reduce heart disease risk. However, the evidence from these long-term studies suggests that this approach may not be as beneficial as once thought.

One possible explanation for the disappointing outcomes of these studies is the role of oxidative stress and inflammation. Polyunsaturated fats, especially those high in linoleic acid, are prone to oxidation, which can produce harmful compounds that contribute to inflammation and cellular damage. This oxidative stress may negate the benefits of lower cholesterol levels and contribute to higher mortality rates.

Furthermore, these studies highlight the importance of considering the overall quality and stability of dietary fats. Saturated fats, which are more resistant to oxidation, may provide a more stable and less inflammatory source of energy for the body. This stability could be a key factor in their association with lower mortality rates in the studies reviewed.

In light of these findings, it may be time to re-evaluate current dietary recommendations and consider the broader impacts of different types of fats on long-term health. Emphasizing the consumption of stable, natural fats, and reducing the intake of highly processed vegetable oils could potentially lead to better health outcomes and longevity.

Industrial Processing and Quality Concerns

The journey of seed oils from raw seeds to the bottled products on store shelves involves several complex industrial processes. These steps include extraction, refining, bleaching, and deodorizing, each of which can significantly affect the quality and safety of the final product. Understanding these processes and their impact on the oils is crucial for comprehending why seed oils may pose health risks.


The first step in producing seed oils is extraction, which typically involves the use of mechanical or chemical methods to separate the oil from the seeds. Mechanical extraction, such as cold pressing, is less common for seed oils due to its lower yield. Instead, chemical extraction using solvents like hexane is widely employed. This method is efficient and cost-effective, but it introduces the risk of chemical residues remaining in the oil.


Once the oil is extracted, it undergoes refining to remove impurities, free fatty acids, and other undesirable components. The refining process includes several stages:

  1. Degumming: This step removes phospholipids and other gummy substances by treating the oil with water or acid.
  2. Neutralization: Free fatty acids are neutralized using an alkaline substance, typically sodium hydroxide. This helps reduce the oil’s acidity and improve its stability.
  3. Bleaching: The oil is treated with bleaching earth or activated carbon to remove pigments, trace metals, and oxidation products. This stage helps improve the oil’s color and appearance.

High-Temperature Processing

One of the most critical and concerning aspects of seed oil production is the exposure to high temperatures during various stages of processing. High temperatures are used extensively to enhance the extraction efficiency and refine the oil, but they also accelerate the oxidation of polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) present in the oils.

During the deodorization phase, oils are heated to temperatures as high as 260°C (500°F). This high-temperature treatment is necessary to remove volatile compounds that cause undesirable odors and flavors. However, it also significantly increases the levels of toxic compounds in the oil. The high heat can cause the breakdown of PUFAs, leading to the formation of harmful byproducts such as trans fats and aldehydes. These compounds are associated with various health risks, including inflammation, cellular damage, and chronic diseases.

Storage and Oxidation

Even after processing, seed oils remain highly prone to oxidation. Oxidation can occur during storage, especially when oils are exposed to light, air, and heat. The susceptibility of seed oils to oxidation makes them less stable compared to saturated fats like butter and coconut oil, which are more resistant to oxidative damage.

The process of oxidation leads to the formation of lipid peroxides, which further break down into secondary oxidation products, including aldehydes and ketones. These oxidation products are not only harmful to health but also affect the taste and shelf life of the oils. Consuming oxidized oils can lead to the intake of these harmful compounds, contributing to a range of health issues.

Health Implications of Oxidized Oils

The consumption of oxidized oils has been linked to several chronic health problems. When ingested, oxidized fats can cause oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants, leading to cellular damage. This process is a key factor in the development of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Inflammation triggered by oxidized fats can also contribute to metabolic disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. The toxic compounds formed during the oxidation of PUFAs, such as 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) and malondialdehyde (MDA), can interact with cellular components, causing mutations and disrupting normal cellular functions

Practical Tips for Avoiding Seed Oils

Given the health risks associated with seed oils, it is crucial to identify and avoid them in your diet. Seed oils are pervasive in the modern food supply, often hidden in processed foods, dressings, sauces, and snacks. Common seed oils to avoid include soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, cottonseed oil, and grapeseed oil.

Identifying Seed Oils in Foods

Seed oils are often listed under generic terms like “vegetable oil” in ingredient lists, making them difficult to identify. To avoid these oils, it’s essential to read labels carefully. Here are some tips to help you identify and avoid seed oils:

  1. Check Ingredient Lists: Look for specific names such as soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, cottonseed oil, and grapeseed oil. Avoid products that list these oils as ingredients.
  2. Watch for “Vegetable Oil”: This term often refers to a blend of seed oils. Unless the label specifies otherwise, it’s best to assume that “vegetable oil” includes one or more seed oils.
  3. Be Cautious with Processed Foods: Seed oils are commonly found in processed foods like chips, crackers, baked goods, and ready-made meals. Opt for whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible.
  4. Examine Dressings and Sauces: Many salad dressings, mayonnaise, and sauces contain seed oils. Look for dressings made with olive oil or make your own at home using healthier oils.
  5. Choose Better Cooking Oils: When dining out or ordering takeout, inquire about the types of oils used in cooking. Many restaurants use seed oils for frying and sautéing due to their low cost. A great site to look for restaurants who don’t cook with seed oils is:

Healthier Alternatives to Seed Oils

Opt for stable, traditional fats that are less prone to oxidation. These include:

  • Butter, Ghee and Tallow: Rich in stable saturated fats, butter and ghee are ideal for cooking at high temperatures. They add a delicious flavor to dishes and are less likely to oxidize compared to seed oils.
  • Coconut Oil: Contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) that are resistant to oxidation and offer numerous health benefits. Coconut oil is excellent for frying, baking, and sautéing.
  • Olive Oil: Preferably extra virgin, olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants. It’s best used for low-heat cooking or as a salad dressing to preserve its beneficial properties.
  • Avocado Oil: Another excellent source of monounsaturated fats, avocado oil is suitable for cooking at moderate temperatures. It has a high smoke point, making it versatile for various cooking methods.

When cooking, use fats that are stable at high temperatures, such as butter, ghee, tallow and coconut oil. Store oils in dark, cool places to minimize oxidation. Use dark glass bottles for storage when possible. Always check ingredient lists for hidden seed oils, especially in processed foods. Look for terms like “vegetable oil,” which often refers to a blend of seed oils.

The rise of seed oils represents the most significant dietary change in human history, with profound health implications. These oils, prone to oxidation and rich in linoleic acid, are linked to chronic diseases and mitochondrial dysfunction. Research shows that animals with fats in their cells that resist oxidation tend to live longer, suggesting similar benefits for humans. Understanding the history, processing, and health risks of seed oils is crucial for making informed dietary choices, prioritizing traditional, stable fats for better health.

Making these changes may seem challenging at first, but with time and awareness, you can transition to a healthier diet that supports long-term health. Remember, the key to a healthy diet is not just the elimination of harmful ingredients but also the inclusion of nutrient-dense, whole foods that nourish your body.

By taking these steps, you can protect your health, reduce your risk of chronic diseases, and enjoy the benefits of a diet rich in traditional, natural fats.

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I love to chat. If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to email me. 

What is MSM? and Why Sulfuryzme is the Best MSM and How to Buy It

What is MSM? and Why Sulfuryzme is the Best MSM and How to Buy It

MSM, short for Methylsulfonylmethane, is a compound you might not hear about everyday, but it’s incredibly important for our bodies. Essentially, MSM provides a vital nutrient, sulfur, which is crucial for many of the body’s processes. Sulfur plays a crucial role in the formation of connective tissue, impacting everything from our joints to our skin. This makes MSM a vital yet often overlooked component in keeping our body’s essential structures healthy.

MSM extends its benefits beyond tissue health by significantly combating inflammation, often the underlying source of pain and discomfort in the body, particularly in the joints. It acts like a natural pain reliever and anti-inflammatory agent, without the side effects commonly associated with synthetic drugs.

Additionally, MSM helps our body’s natural defense system against damage from harmful molecules called free radicals. These are produced through normal bodily processes and external stresses like pollution and can lead to aging and diseases if not kept in check. MSM boosts the body’s antioxidant capacity, aiding in cellular protection from damage and contributing to overall health and longevity.

Why Are We Deficient in MSM?

Unfortunately, despite its abundance in nature and the crucial role it plays in our health, many people are deficient in MSM. This discrepancy arises from several factors that impact our daily lives, from dietary choices to modern agricultural practices.

Modern Diets and Processed Foods

Additionally, one of the primary reasons for widespread MSM deficiency is the modern diet, which often lacks fresh fruits and vegetables, the natural sources of MSM. Instead, processed and refined foods dominate, which contain minimal amounts of this vital compound. The lack of fresh, organically grown produce in our diets means we miss out on essential nutrients, including MSM.

Soil Depletion

Even when we consume fruits and vegetables, the MSM content may be lower than expected due to soil depletion. Consequently, modern agricultural practices have contributed to soil erosion and nutrient loss, diminishing the sulfur content in the soil. This reduction affects plant absorption of sulfur, leading to lower MSM levels in our plant-based foods.

Cooking and Food Preparation

The methods used to prepare and cook food can also significantly impact MSM levels. MSM is volatile and can be easily destroyed by heat and prolonged storage. Thus, the cooking process may reduce the amount of MSM available from food, further contributing to our deficiency.

Aging and Lifestyle Factors

As we age, our body’s ability to absorb nutrients, including MSM, diminishes. Additionally, lifestyle factors such as stress and pollution can increase the body’s demand for MSM, given its role in combating oxidative stress and inflammation. This increased need, combined with decreased absorption, can lead to a deficiency.

Implications of MSM Deficiency

A deficiency in MSM can have wide-ranging effects on the body, given its involvement in so many critical processes. As a result, individuals may face increased joint pain and slower recovery from injuries. Additionally, there may be a reduction in immune function and a decline in the health of skin and hair. Therefore, over time, such a deficiency can lead to more severe health issues. This includes a greater risk of inflammation and diseases associated with oxidative stress.

What Are the Health Benefits of Supplementing with MSM?

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a naturally occurring compound that delivers sulfur, the third most abundant mineral in the human body, crucial for many biological processes. MSM plays a crucial role in strengthening the structure of proteins, essential for the health of connective tissues like skin, tendons, and cartilage. Therefore, it emerges as a key supplement for enhancing health and well-being.

Let’s delve into the specific benefits of MSM:

Joint Health and Mobility

A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition highlights MSM’s role in improving joint flexibility and reducing pain and inflammation associated with physical activities. Participants reported significant improvements in joint function and comfort, underscoring MSM’s potential as a supportive supplement for joint health.

Inflammation Management

Research in the Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Journal explores MSM’s efficacy in managing inflammation. The study suggests that MSM supplementation can help reduce markers of inflammation in the body, offering a potential natural approach to managing chronic inflammation and associated conditions.

Skin Health and Wrinkle Reduction

An intriguing study found on ResearchGate focuses on MSM’s effects on skin health and wrinkle reduction. Participants observed improvements in skin texture and elasticity, as well as a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles, indicating MSM’s potential benefits for skin health.

Combination Therapy for Osteoarthritis

A double-blind, placebo-controlled study investigates the effects of MSM combined with glucosamine on osteoarthritis. The findings suggest that this combination may be more effective than either supplement alone in improving joint health and mobility, offering hope for individuals seeking relief from osteoarthritis symptoms.

Antioxidant Properties

Further research published in PubMed examines MSM’s antioxidant properties. The study demonstrates MSM’s ability to enhance the body’s antioxidant defenses, potentially protecting against cellular damage and supporting overall health.

What is Sulfurzyme?

Sulfurzyme is a distinctive dietary supplement crafted by Young Living, designed to harness the synergistic power of two primary ingredients: Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) and Ningxia wolfberry. This innovative blend is specifically formulated to provide comprehensive support for the body’s wellness, leveraging the unique properties of each component for maximum health benefits.

The Core Ingredients

  • MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane): A naturally occurring form of organic sulfur, MSM is essential for many of the body’s critical functions, including the maintenance of healthy joints, immune system support, and the production of vital proteins like collagen and keratin for healthy skin, hair, and nails.

  • Ningxia Wolfberry: Hailing from the Ningxia region of China, this superfruit is renowned for its high antioxidant content, including zeaxanthin and lycium barbarum polysaccharides, which contribute to immune support, eye health, and overall vitality.

Why Sulfurzyme Stands Out

Sulfurzyme combines the well-documented benefits of MSM with the potent nutritional profile of Ningxia wolfberry to create a supplement unlike any other. This blend not only supports the structural health of the body through the provision of sulfur but also enhances this support with the broad spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in Ningxia wolfberries. The result is a product that promotes a range of health benefits:

  • Joint Health: Aiding in the maintenance of healthy joint function and comfort.
  • Immune System Support: Offering nutritional support for a healthy immune response.
  • Antioxidant Protection: Helping to protect the body from oxidative stress and support overall wellness.
  • Skin and Hair Vitality: Contributing to the maintenance of healthy, radiant skin and strong, luscious hair.

Sulfurzyme is not just a supplement; it’s a comprehensive approach to wellness, meticulously formulated to support the body’s natural processes and promote optimal health. Whether you’re looking to support joint health, boost your immune system, or enhance your skin and hair’s natural beauty, Sulfurzyme offers a natural solution backed by the quality assurance of Young Living. 

How to Buy Sulfurzyme

After discovering the benefits and unique qualities of NingXia Red, you might be wondering how to incorporate this product into your life. As a Young Living Brand Partner, I’m here not only to guide you through the purchase process but also to support you as you embark on this exciting wellness journey.

Here’s How to Get Started:

Click the Link Below to Purchase

To ensure you receive the genuine Sulfurzyme product and enjoy all the benefits that come with being a Young Living member, use the link provided below. This direct link leads to my Young Living Brand Partner page, where you can securely purchase Sulfurzyme, among other high-quality products. Shopping through this link not only guarantees authenticity but also connects you to our supportive community, offering access to exclusive offers and valuable wellness insights.

Personalized Support for Your Wellness Journey

Embarking on your Young Living adventure is an exciting first step, and I’m here to guide and support you along the way. If you have any questions about Sulfurzyme, need advice on incorporating it into your wellness routine, or want to share your progress, I’m just a message away. Your wellness journey is unique, and I am committed to providing the personalized support you need to thrive.

Joining through my link is more than just making a purchase; it’s your entry into a community that prioritizes wellness, natural living, and meaningful connections. I’m eager to welcome you and be a part of your wellness journey.

Exclusive Offer for Your First Purchase

Lastly, as a special welcome, please use the coupon code provided below to receive 10% off your first purchase of Sulfurzyme. Should you encounter any questions or need assistance during the checkout process, don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly. I’m here to help every step of the way.


Use my Coupon Code ‘ SHAREYL’ for 10% OFF your FIRST purchase of 50 PV!

sulfurzyme msm

Sulfurzyme Capsules – 300ct.

    Supports joint health

    Supports recovery time of joints after exercise

    Supports normal range of motion

    Supports bone health

    Supports normal metabolic functions and circulation

    Aids the immune system

    Supports hair and skin health



    Sulfurzyme Blend: MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), Ningxia wolfberry (Lycium barbarum) fruit powder Other Ingredients: Hypromellose, Rice flour, Magnesium stearate, Silica

    Take 2 capsules 2 times daily or as needed 1 hour before or after meals

    sulfurzyme msm

    Sulfurzyme Powder – 8 oz.

      Supports joint health

      Supports recovery time of joints after exercise

      Supports normal range of motion

      Supports bone health

      Supports normal metabolic functions and circulation

      Aids the immune system

      Supports hair and skin health



      Sulfurzyme Blend: MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), FOS (Fructooligosaccharides), Ningxia wolfberry (Lycium barbarum) fruit powder. Other Ingredients: Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) leaf extract.

      Mix ½ tsp. with juice or distilled water and take twice daily.

      The Seed to Seal® Difference in Sulfurzyme

      Exploring the benefits of Sulfurzyme involves more than just understanding its impact on health; it’s recognizing Young Living’s commitment to quality and environmental responsibility through their Seed to Seal® standards. This commitment guarantees that Sulfurzyme is not only effective but also aligns with principles of eco-consciousness and sustainability.

      Ingredient Sourcing and Selection

      The foundation of Sulfurzyme is built on the selection of premium ingredients, including MSM and Ningxia wolfberries. These are sourced from regions known for their quality and purity. Specifically, the Ningxia wolfberries are harvested from nutrient-dense soils of the Ningxia region, ensuring a high-quality product.

      Sustainable Cultivation Practices

      Young Living prioritizes sustainable farming practices in the cultivation of Sulfurzyme’s ingredients. By employing natural pest control and prioritizing soil health without the use of synthetic chemicals, the company upholds the purity of every ingredient from the start.

      Careful Harvesting and Production

      The harvesting process for the ingredients in Sulfurzyme is meticulously designed to preserve their nutritional value. For example, the wolfberry extract is processed gently to retain its antioxidants and essential nutrients, enriching Sulfurzyme with beneficial health properties.

      Rigorous Quality Testing

      Adhering to the Seed to Seal® promise, Sulfurzyme is subjected to extensive testing for purity, potency, and safety. This includes both thorough in-house assessments and third-party verifications, ensuring the product meets high standards of quality and safety for consumer use.

      Packaging and Distribution

      The packaging process for Sulfurzyme is carefully managed to preserve the product’s freshness and efficacy. This careful approach ensures that each bottle of Sulfurzyme delivers its full health benefits as intended, backed by Young Living’s commitment to excellence.

      Choosing Sulfurzyme: A Commitment to Quality and Sustainability

      Opting for Sulfurzyme means more than choosing a health supplement; it’s a choice to support sustainable, responsible practices that prioritize the planet’s health alongside your own. Young Living’s Seed to Seal® promise is a reflection of this commitment, offering Sulfurzyme as a product that marries the pursuit of wellness with environmental stewardship. By selecting Sulfurzyme, you’re not just nurturing your body with a premium supplement; you’re aligning with a philosophy that values natural purity and global well-being.

      Got Questions? Let's Connect!

      I love to chat. If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to email me. 

      Ningxia Zyng®: Why You’ll Love this Healthy Energy Drink

      Ningxia Zyng®: Why You’ll Love this Healthy Energy Drink

      NingXia Zyng® Energy Drink carves out a unique position in the competitive energy drink market. It does so by prioritizing natural ingredients and nutritional benefits over quick, artificial energy boosts often found in similar products. The drink combines exceptional natural elements, including NingXia wolfberry puree, sparkling water, and pear and blackberry juices. Additionally, it incorporates the subtle zest of Lime and Black Pepper Vitality™ essential oils. These components collectively create a refreshingly light carbonated beverage. It not only invigorates but also provides a natural energy lift, courtesy of caffeine from white tea extract.

      Fundamentally, prioritizing natural components such as NingXia wolfberry puree, NingXia Zyng® enhances its nutritional dimension. Loaded with antioxidants, the puree strengthens immune health and combats oxidative stress actively. Furthermore, the pear and blackberry juices not only impart natural sweetness but also contribute essential vitamins actively. Consequently, NingXia Zyng® emerges as a healthier choice, eliminating the need for artificial sweeteners or flavors. 

      Inside NingXia Zyng®: A Closer Look at Its Ingredients

      Carbonated Water: The foundation of Ningxia Zyng, providing its refreshing fizz.

      Evaporated Cane Sugar:Unlike regular cane sugar, NingXia Zyng® utilizes evaporated cane sugar for minimal processing, preserving more natural nutrients found in sugarcane. This choice demonstrates a commitment to a healthier, more natural sweetening process, enhancing NingXia Zyng’s flavor without compromising on health benefits.

      Pear Juice Concentrate and Blackberry Juice Concentrate: These ingredients are selected for their natural sweetness and robust flavors, contributing essential vitamins and antioxidants. They not only add depth to NingXia Zyng’s taste but also bolster the body’s defense against oxidative stress.

      Wolfberry (Lycium barbarum) Puree: Central to NingXia Zyng®, wolfberry puree offers more than a unique taste; it serves as a dense source of nutrients. High in antioxidants like zeaxanthin and lutein, wolfberries support eye health and protect against cellular damage. They are also rich in vitamin C and vitamin A, crucial for immune function and skin health, respectively. Furthermore, the polysaccharides found in wolfberries are known for their immune-boosting properties, making them a key ingredient for enhancing the body’s resilience.

      White Tea Leaf Extract: The incorporation of White Tea Leaf Extract into NingXia Zyng® serves a dual purpose. It provides a smooth, sustained energy boost without the abrupt spikes and crashes associated with stronger caffeine sources. This choice mirrors the natural rhythm of life, offering an uplift that feels more organic and aligned with the body’s own energy cycles. Moreover, white tea is rich in antioxidants, including catechins and polyphenols, which support overall well-being by combating oxidative stress and inflammation.

      Premium Essential Oils (Black Pepper and Lime Peel): Integrating Black Pepper and Lime Peel essential oils into NingXia Zyng® adds a layer of complexity to its flavor profile. It also offers notable health advantages.

      Black pepper oil, renowned for its digestive benefits, stimulates the digestive system, aiding in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients. In contrast, lime peel oil is celebrated for its uplifting and refreshing effects.

      Vitamins and Minerals: Fortifying NingXia Zyng® with a blend of essential vitamins and minerals transforms each sip into a nourishing experience. The inclusion of Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, supports skin health and combats oxidative stress. Vitamin A plays a crucial role in maintaining vision and immune function. Additionally, B-vitamins are vital for energy metabolism, ensuring that the body’s cells are well-fueled and functioning optimally

      How to Buy NingXia Zyng®

      After discovering the benefits and unique qualities of NingXia Zyng®, you might be wondering how to incorporate this product into your life. As a Young Living Brand Partner, I’m here not only to guide you through the purchase process but also to support you as you embark on this exciting wellness journey.

      Here’s How to Get Started:

      Click the Link Below to Purchase To ensure you receive the genuine product and enjoy all the member benefits Young Living offers, click the link below. This direct link takes you to my Young Living Brand Partner page, where you can safely purchase NingXia Zyng® and/or other products. Joining through this link connects you with our supportive community and opens the door to exclusive offers and insights.

      Personalized Support for You Your journey with Young Living is just beginning, and I’m here to help you navigate it. Whether you have questions about the product, need tips on integrating it into your daily routine, or simply wish to share your experiences, I’m just a message away. Your wellness journey is personal, and I’m dedicated to providing the support you need to make the most of it.

      When you purchase through my link, it’s more than a transaction—it’s an invitation to join my community that values wellness, natural living, and supportive connections. I’m thrilled to welcome you and look forward to being a part of your wellness story.

      Lastly, please be sure to use my coupon code below for 10% off your FIRST purchase. If you have any questions during checkout, please shoot me a message directly and I’ll be happy tow all you through. 

      ningxia zyng

      Advantages Over Traditional Energy Drinks


      NingXia Zyng® stands out in the crowded energy drink market for several compelling reasons. Its formulation is designed for those who seek not just an energy boost, but also, a healthier, more sustainable way to achieve it.

      Here are the distinct advantages that set NingXia Zyng® apart:

      • Prioritizing Purity: NingXia Zyng® stands out from typical energy drinks by emphasizing natural ingredients over artificial additives. While many beverages rely on synthetic sweeteners and flavors, NingXia Zyng® chooses evaporated cane sugar, stevia, and real fruit juice concentrates. This ensures a refreshing and flavorful drink without the health concerns associated with artificial additives.
      • Healthful Ingredients: Enriched with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, NingXia Zyng® goes beyond providing mere energy. Ingredients like wolfberry puree and white tea leaf extract not only boost energy but also support immune health, combat oxidative stress, and offer essential nutrients vital for overall well-being. 
      • Balanced and Sustained Energy: Contrary to traditional energy drinks, which often cause abrupt energy spikes and crashes due to high caffeine content and synthetic stimulants, NingXia Zyng® provides a gentler and more sustained release of energy. Powered by natural caffeine from white tea, it keeps you alert and focused without the adverse effects of overstimulation.

      Integrating Ningxia Zyng® into Your Daily Routine

      Ningxia Zyng is versatile. Enjoy it on its own for a refreshing energy boost or incorporate it into your daily hydration routine for added flavor and nutrients. It’s suited for any time of day, from a morning wake-up to an afternoon pick-me-up.

      • Morning Start: Kick off your day with NingXia Zyng® as an alternative to your morning coffee or tea. Its light carbonation and unique flavors offer a refreshing wake-up call, priming you for the day ahead. With a gentle energy boost from white tea extract, you can ease into your morning without experiencing the jitters often associated with strong caffeine sources.
      • Mid-day Support: Combat the afternoon slump with NingXia Zyng®, your go-to pick-me-up. Instead of turning to sugary snacks or heavily caffeinated beverages, grab NingXia Zyng® to revitalize your focus and energy levels. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it provides sustained energy, empowering you to tackle the remainder of your day with energy.  
      • Pre-Workout: Before hitting the gym, fuel up with NingXia Zyng® to boost your energy levels. Unlike sugary snacks or highly caffeinated drinks, NingXia Zyng® offers a balanced lift, enriched with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to support sustained energy.
      • Early Evening Lift: Seeking a gentle energy lift for early evening activities? Grab a NingXia Zyng®. While it contains caffeine, its balanced formulation ensures suitability for early evening consumption. However, remain mindful of your caffeine sensitivity, especially as bedtime approaches, to align with your personal health and wellness goals.


      Use my Coupon Code ‘ SHAREYL’ for 10% OFF your FIRST purchase of 50 PV!

      NingXia Zyng

      NingXia Zyng

      • NingXia Zyng – 12 ct.

      Suggested Uses

      • Drink 1 can as desired for a refreshing boost.

      • Best served chilled.

      • Lightly invert can before opening.

      • Keep chilled for an extra-invigorating way to start the morning.

      • Add a tube of NingXia Nitro® for a sweet twist that supports cognition.

      NingXia Zyng is a refreshing, lightly carbonated drink that combines Ningxia wolfberry puree, sparkling water, pear and blackberry juices, a hint of Lime and Black Pepper Vitality™ essential oils, and naturally occurring caffeine from white tea extract. These natural ingredients create a hydrating energy boost with a unique, dynamic flavor.

      The Seed to Seal® Difference

      Understanding the unique appeal of NingXia Zyng® goes beyond appreciating its refreshing taste and natural energy boost. It entails recognizing Young Living’s dedication to quality and environmental stewardship, epitomized by their Seed to Seal® promise. This commitment ensures that NingXia Zyng® not only elevates your energy levels but also aligns with eco-conscious values.

      Sourcing and Seed Selection

      NingXia Zyng® begins with high-quality ingredient selection. This includes NingXia wolfberries, pear and blackberry juice concentrates, and essential oils like lime and black pepper. These ingredients come from areas known for their optimal potency and flavor. The wolfberries, for example, are sourced from Ningxia’s fertile, nutrient-rich soil, ideal for cultivating top-quality wolfberries.

      Cultivation and Sustainability

      Young Living’s approach to ingredient cultivation for NingXia Zyng® emphasizes sustainability. By using natural pest control methods and enhancing soil nutrition without synthetic chemicals, each ingredient maintains its purity. 

      Harvesting and Production

      The harvesting of NingXia Zyng®’s ingredients aims to capture their peak nutritional value and flavor. Techniques, such as low-temperature processing for the wolfberry puree, ensure the retention of antioxidants and nutrients. As a result, every can of NingXia Zyng® is loaded with health benefits.

      Quality Testing

      Rigorous testing for purity, potency, and safety is a cornerstone of the Seed to Seal® promise, and NingXia Zyng® is no exception. Additionally, advanced laboratories conduct third-party verifications, ensuring that NingXia Zyng® meets the highest standards of quality and consumer safety.

      Sealing and Distribution

      The packaging and sealing process for NingXia Zyng® is designed to preserve freshness and nutritional value. This meticulous care ensures you receive all the intended benefits, supported by Young Living’s Seed to Seal® promise.

      Embrace the Seed to Seal® Quality

      Opting for NingXia Zyng® means choosing a product that supports both your health and the planet’s well-being. Young Living’s Seed to Seal® commitment invites you to a sustainable and responsible practice that prioritizes environmental health while offering premium, natural products. NingXia Zyng® stands as a testament to this dedication, providing a distinctive, quality beverage.

      ningxia zyng

      Got Questions? Let's Connect!

      I love to chat. If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to email me.